The Akashic Illumination Deck is sixty cards that came from the Akashic Records by way of Rev Sandra L Gelinas. These cards can be used to explore your Records by asking questions and doing a card spread seeking insight and guidance from your Akashic Records.
Drawing from the 20 Infusion cards will gift you with an attunement or blessing for new opportunities for soul growth. Drawing from 20 Exploration cards will prompt you to investigate and ask questions, helping you to explore an area of your life that will further illuminate your growth. Drawing from the 20 Symbol cards will help to activate soul growth within you by using movement, frequencies, color, and tones.
In using these cards with clients, I find them to be extraordinary in their ability to gift us with insights that are beyond our knowing minds, clarity of the situation, and a loving and profound healing that supports soul growth.
To learn more about the cards and purchase a deck you can go to